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The Mass Media

“Deadpool” Movie Review: Reinventing the Superhero in the Golden Age of Superheroes


Deadpool visits a showing of his new film, “Deadpool,” and takes selfies with fans. 

In what is being heralded as the Golden Age of superhero movies, ”Deadpool” comes along as a complete contradiction and makes a mess of everything (as a character he is quite good at that—you’ll see).

While the film adaptation never could have come to fruition without its predecessors, to which ”Deadpool” owes its existence, it is also a film that works in opposition to what superhero films typically embody — ultimately proving that we may not know exactly what we want, but we know that we want more “Deadpool.” Fortunately, that’s exactly what it looks like we are going to get, as the ”Deadpool” sequel has already been greenlit (the sequel, not the super-suit).

Given the numbers that are coming in from the opening weekend, this news comes as no surprise. However, that wasn’t always the case. It took eleven years, Ryan Reynolds on a personal mission, and some leaked footage at comic con, which is when the world went crazy, for a studio to finally agree to even make this movie. As a result of the powerful reaction to this test footage, fans, actors, and a director all came together to tell a studio what should be made–not the other way around.

This film has been the underdog for such a long time–not like an 86 year-long cursed baseball team, but the point is that if you’re from Boston, you like the underdog because it’s in our blood (that’s why we wear the red suit). In this case, the underdog is not only Deadpool, but Ryan Reynolds whom we love despite his numerous forays into the rom-com genre, ”Green Lantern,” and his previous rendition of Deadpool. The new Deadpool seems to provide reconciliation for past transgressions, and Fox Studios apologizes for many of its mistakes like ”X-Men Origins: Wolverine.”

Salt N’ Pepa’s “Shoop” is more than a good beat that matches the film’s rhythm, and with lines like, “Thank ya mother for a butt like that,” it’s like they’re talking right to Ryan Reynolds, much like the way the titular character he plays talks right to his audience. If he doesn’t thank his mother, we will on his behalf.

“Deadpool” didn’t just beat ”Fifty Shades of Grey’s” opening weekend record for February (like that’s an accomplishment), or ”Matrix Reloaded’s” R-rated movie opening, but it’s even beating out opening weekend numbers of films like ”Captain America: The Winter Soldier” (and the sequel is the better one!). Let the irony sink in that the “merc with a mouth” has beat out the ever-so-righteous Captain America, of all franchises. Deadpool takes almost as big of a beating as the fourth wall, but that’s the appeal, and it doesn’t seem to have hurt the success of the film.

Does this reviewer seem biased? Do the numbers lie to you? Are you one of those people that isn’t going to go see a movie just because a bunch of other people are doing it? Well that’s a good thing, don’t do that, because peer pressure is bad, kids. If there is one opinion you should trust, it’s that of Betty White. Even Betty White gives Deadpool a score of four Golden Girls (and that’s out of four!). She calls it a movie for the family, for what must be a very loose definition of family friendly, and yes, I have cleaned up her language. I’ve had to do a lot of that lately.

One of the more interesting lines from the film was, “Like two hobos [redacted] in a shoe filled with [redacted].” Deadpool is an innovative character who makes liberal use of the English language, either through making up his own words or by using compound words to express himself, some of the best were, “bleep-bleep,” “weezing bag of bleep-bleeps,” or “crime fighting bleep-bleepers.” We can’t quote “The Deadpool Rap” by TeamHeadKick either; not because of spoilers, but because of language. Sometimes Deadpool spells things out like a twisted game of Hooked on Phonics; not because of language this time, but because of violence. It’s a vicious circle of violence and language, hence the R-rating, and why we love it. 

You get it, he has a potty mouth. If you really want to hear what verbs, verbed which nouns, where, how, and how often, go see the movie. If you’d rather try to go all ”Beautiful Mind” and solve the mystery of what I’m quoting, I promise you it will be a lot less fun.
[Hint: Some of the verbs were also the nouns and the adjectives. If you crack Hammurabi’s code to this language, you might have a large portion of the script deciphered in the mad lib challenge set before you.]