UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Help Wanted !!!

to $300 per day. No experience necessary. Call 1.800.291.1884 ext. U21

Instructors needed to teach exciting science programs to kids. Must have car & kid experience. Training provided. P/T, $15-25 per 1hr program. Call Mad Science @ 617-484-6006. www.madscience.org/greaterboston

SAVE PANDAS>>>EARN MONEY>>>Earn up to $30.00 an hour while helping to save the Giant Pandas.Work your own hours before or after class, weekends, breaks, and vacations. For complete details see www.pandaproject.org…Apply For A Job.

Egg Donors Needed, non-smokers. Donors Ages 21-32. Generous compensation paid. For more information contact Robert Nichols. Esq. (781) 769-6900.