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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Dean Janey Departs, Asst. Dean Lopes Steps In Interim

Assistant Dean Angeline Lopes
Assistant Dean Angeline Lopes

Dean of Student Affairs Stephanie Janey’s departure was confirmed last week, with Assistant Dean Angeline Lopes stepping in as interim dean until a new one is found.

In an e-mail sent out last week to the University Community, Chancellor Jo Ann Gora stated that Dean Janey was leaving to follow a doctorate in Higher Education Administration. “We owe Dean Janey our thanks for her many efforts on behalf of our students,” she wrote. Chancellor Gora praised Janey for “establishing programs and activities that would create a more cohesive campus community; advocat[ing] for increased student involvement in all aspects of campus life; and work[ing] to improve student services.”

Chancellor Gora also hailed the Office of Student Affairs as a “strong team… all of whom stand ready to build on past achievements and bring the office to greater levels of success.” With that in mind, Chancellor Gora will be raising the position of Dean of Student Affairs to a Vice Chancellorship, which will lead to a search across the nation with the aid of an as yet un-picked consulting firm.

Rumors were zooming around campus at a fervent rate two weeks ago with news of Dean Janey’s exit. The Mass Media, citing sources close to the administration, published a front page blurb on the issue confirming them. At the time, the Office of the Chancellor declined to comment, stating that personnel issues aren’t discussed with the media.