UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Community Suffers Loss

On March 18th, UMass Boston alumna Malinda Fannin was the victim of a fatal hit-and-run accident. The accident took place in Boston, where Fannin was struck by a boxcar truck as she stepped into a crosswalk. The community was shocked and distraught over the loss.

A native of Kentucky, the 22-year-old was a well-respected and admired member of the Boston community. Her achievements include graduating at the top of her class from the College of Management program. During her time at UMass Boston, Fannin also worked at the Joiner Center, where she is described as someone who was “very efficient and hardworking, but always cheerful and happy.” She is also characterized as volunteering out of a love of helping others, rather than for recognition. In fact, Fannin created the brochure for the Joiner Center’s 20th anniversary on a volunteer basis after graduating from UMass Boston.

After graduation, Fannin was employed at Liz Page Associates as a coordinator for charity events. There, she continued to work passionately and selflessly. Through her short career as a charity event coordinator, she gained the reputation of being a dedicated worker. As described in a Boston Globe article, Fannin once went so far as to bid $1,000 at a charity auction in an effort to gain the audience’s interest and participation. She did this despite the fact that she was not wealthy. It is for actions such as these that she will be fondly remembered.

In addition to working for the community, Fannin is remembered as someone who possessed a natural charisma and love of friends and family. Former co-workers at the Joiner Center described how Fannin was actually hired by the restaurant she went to for her graduation. She also frequently traveled to her home state to visit her family. She was, in fact, planning a surprise trip to Hawaii for a friend at the time of her death.

Employees of the Joiner Center gathered together for a moment of silence on the day of Fannin’s death. As she was buried in her home state of Kentucky, only one employee from the Joiner Center was able to attend her funeral. However, employees of the Joiner Center are considering creating a scholarship in conjunction with the College of Management in Fannin’s memory. As one former co-worker stated, “I know this sounds clichéd, but she was one of those rare people that you are lucky to meet.”

Currently, there are no suspects in Fannin’s death. Anyone with information pertaining to the hit-and-run driver of the boxcar should contact the Boston Police.

Malinda Fannin’s death is a tragic loss to the Boston Community. However, the passionate and caring way she lived her short life will continue to lend inspiration to all who knew her.