UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Helpful Hints for Commuters

The Counseling Center staff would like to welcome all new and returning UMass-Boston students!

* Did you know that nationwide a majority of college students commute to campus?*

* Did you know that students who drive to campus differ in some key ways from their peers who walk to class or live on a campus? They are more likely to be non-traditional age students, first-generation, and students of color. They also spend more time caring for dependents and work more hours off campus, which may also explain in part why they are more likely to be part-time students.*

* Whether commuting or living on campus, the following five factors help to determine the quality of students’ experience in college: level of academic challenge; active and collaborative learning; student interactions with faculty members; enriching educational experiences; and a supportive campus environment.*

Here are some ways to improve your chances of having a positive experience here:

Academic Challenges:

* Despite the competing demands you may be facing, you will benefit from your classes more if you reserve adequate study time to prepare before class, adequate sleep time to pay attention in class, and adequate social time to discuss ideas with classmates after class.

* If you find yourself struggling with the material, you might find assistance through the Academic Support Services or your instructor during office hours.

* If you are excelling (GPA=3.2 or above), consider contacting the Honors Program and/or your department for information about honoring in your major.

* Contacts:

Academic Support Services, McCormack 3rd floor, Room 421, 7-56550

Honors Program, Wheatley 8th floor, Room 4, 7-5520

Active and Collaborative Learning:

* You may benefit from your classes more, if you participate in class by asking questions and offering answers.

* You may enjoy the process of learning more if you study with other students

Interaction with Faculty:

* All instructors offer office hours as an invitation to students who would like to discuss class material or related issues. Your learning will be enhanced by the instructors’ explanations and examples if you take advantage of this time.

* Instructors may also be resources for information about volunteer opportunities or careers in their field.

Enriching Educational Experiences:

* If you can participate in experiences such as on-campus employment, internships, research assistantships (through your department), or study abroad, you will enhance your experience. These opportunities may also help you to clarify and prepare for your career path.

* For further assistance with career planning, you can also contact Career Services.


Student Employment and Housing Office, Quinn, 2nd floor, room 92, 7-6320

Internship Office, McCormack, 3rd floor, Room 625, 7-5519

Study abroad, McCormack, 3rd floor, Room 701 in the Ryan Lounge, 7-3961

Career Services, McCormack 3rd floor, Room 625, 7-5519

Supportive Campus Environment:

* You can enjoy college more, if you maintain good physical and mental health. Feel free to visit the Beacon Fitness Center, the Wellness Center, General Medicine, and the Counseling Center.

* The more integrated you are into the community, the happier you are likely to be here. If you like writing, you might contact The Mass Media, Watermark, or Yearbook Office.

* Music? The WUMB Radio station has opportunities for student involvement.

* For the politically minded, there is the Student Senate.

* If you’d like information about men’s and women’s sports teams, contact Athletics. The Office of Student Life can provide information about the various student centers that serve as a place to relax and talk with others who share some of your interests. They also have lists of the professional and social clubs on campus. In addition, they often offer discounts for events in Boston you could enjoy with your friends.

* Contacts:

Beacon Fitness Center, McCormack, 1st floor, Room 710, 7-6789Wellness Center, McCormack, 1st floor, Room 613, 7-5685General Medicine, Quinn, 2nd floor, Room 414, 7-5660Counseling Center, Quinn, 2nd floor, Room 39, 7-5660Mass Media, McCormack, 1st floor, Room 627, 7-7990Watermark, Wheatley, 4th floor, Room 174, 7-7960Yearbook Office, Wheatley, 4th floor, Room 174, 7-7947WUMB Radio, Healey Library LL 73, 7-6900Student Senate, Wheatley, 4th floor, Room 122, 7-7970Athletics Main Office in the Clark Center LL, Room 13, 7-7805The Office of Student Life, Wheatley 4th floor, Room 181, 7-7950

We wish you an educational and enjoyable time here at UMass-Boston!

*Kuh, G.D., Gonyea, R.M., & Palmer, M. (Fall, 2001). The disengaged commuter student: Fact or fiction. Commuter Perspectives, 27(1), College Park, MD: National Clearinghouse for Commuter Programs.