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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

A Hero to Me.

I am a senior here at UMass Boston, and I must say that most of my time here has been terrific. In addition, I must add that I have found myself ashamed of my association with this University system (the UMass system) with regards to the comments made by a UMass Amherst student. On the heels of the ignorant comments made by this Gonzales, a Ph.D. candidate, come the half hearted defense of his actions from our own Tony Naro. Nice job guys, just keep making all UMass students look good in the eyes of the public.Not. This is what I think about young Mr. Tillman’s death. The man was a hero, not because of how he died, but because of how he lived. He was a young guy, the same age as most of the people here on campus. Just like us, Tillman was young and full of life. But unlike most of us who scurry off to class or hang out between McCormack and Wheatley on the grassy knoll, Mr. Tillman found it within himself to sacrifice. When was the last time any of us made a sacrifice like the one young Mr. Tillman made? When was the last time any of us gave up our entire future for something we believed in? When was the last time this so-called Ph.D. candidate from Puerto Rico gave up something like the young man he mocked? When was the last time Mr. Naro gave up something while he finds it so easy to say that Mr. Tillman wasn’t a hero? I find thatyoung Mr. Tillman was a hero since I couldn’t find it in myself to leave my family, friends, and everything I hold dear to fight for this country. I know for a fact that I would find it difficult to fight in Iraq for this country that makes it possible for me to have so much. Does that make me a coward? I don’t think so, beacause like many other young people on this campus and in this countrey I am selfish. Look up the word heroic and one of the definitions reads something like this: an act done without selfishness in service for another. Mr. Tillman showed no selfishness when he turned down millions of dollars to fight and die for his country. My inability to do the same is because I am selfish and I will admit it. But thank God for young men like Mr. Tillman who are not selfish. Thank God for young men who are willing to fight and die for selfish young people like me who are too busy trying to finish my thesis. Thank God for those who fight in our place when many of us are too busy to do the same. Yeah, that’s right while most of us were playing Madden 2004 people like Mr. Tillman was dying for his country. I will agree that Mr. Tillman’s death is no more significant than other deaths. His death is more visable because of the outstanding and incredible sacrifice that this young man was willing to make for our freedom. I don’t see any many millionaires lining up to do what Mr. Tillman did. I don’t see millionaires in congress, the senate, etc. lining up to send their overly priveledged kids off to war. That is what makes this man’s death significant. He had it all, youth, money, a promising high profile career and gave it all up to go serve his country. Wow. Mr. Tillman is a hero since he had much more than most of us and he gave it up to serve honorable on the battlefield. So no matter what you may think about the war, understand that this young Mr. Tillman did what many of us couldn’t do, he had it all but yet he was unselfish. He believed in something instead of believing in nothing, and he was willing to die for his beliefs with honor. To me that exemplifies what makes a man a hero. Will Roach Corrections OfficerCLA Criminal Justice/ Philosophy/ Honors.