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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

GSA News – 2/19/03

GSA Graduate Academic Conference

The Graduate Student Assembly Fifth Annual Graduate Academic Conference will be held on April 30, 2004 in the new Campus Center. The conference date had to be changed from its original date of March 26 as a result of space availability issues in the new facility.

The conference will be an interdisciplinary event aimed to encourage graduate students to learn and share ideas. The day’s events will include guest lectures, panel discussions, workshops, a luncheon, and a poster reception. We hope this will be an opportunity for graduate students to leave the confines of their department offices and meet and mingle with other graduate students.

Campus Center Move

The Graduate Student Assembly Office will be shifting over to the new campus center as soon as we are given the go-ahead by the Department of Capital Asset Management. Our new office will be located in room 3404.

Member Update

As Ex-Vice President Ryan Dorland departs on his one-month research adventure in Antarctica, we wish him good luck and a safe journey. You can follow Ryan’s adventure as he posts updates on http://www.es.umb.edu/faculty/mzh/files/sfz/sfz.htm. This link can also be found from the UMB’s website.

McCormack Graduate School of Public Policy Conference

The New McCormack Graduate School of Policy Studies is planning a day-long conference on Wednesday, April 7, 2004 to launch their new Media and Communication Studies project. The title of the conference is “Dangerous Intersections: Where Media and Public Policy Collide.”

The conference will start off with a keynote speech on “How the Media Influences Public Policy” by George Stephanopoulos. Mr. Stephanopoulos is the host of ABC’s Sunday show, “This Week” and former White House communications director under President Bill Clinton.

Other workshops and panel discussion topics include: “Ethnic Journalism Initiative,” “The Massachusetts Voter: Good News or Bad News,” and “Media, History, and Identity.”

Poster Display at the Campus Center Opening Gala

The Graduate Student Assembly has arranged for UMB Graduate Students to display their research posters at the Campus Center Opening Fundraising Gala on April 26. This is an excellent opportunity for our graduate community to proudly display our work to Boston’s community leaders.

Posters should follow a traditional format that includes a short abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion and references. Posters presented at other professional conferences will be accepted. Please confirm your submission to the GSA via email at [email protected]. Don’t forget to include your program and research topic.