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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Column: Third and Goal

In November, U.S. Senator John F. Kerry and President George W. Bush face the final whistle in the biggest game in the country: the presidential election. John Kerry was and should be in control of this election, but he’s not and now he might lose it to one of the most hated presidents in recent history. All right, let’s be honest here. This election should have been a gimme for any one who opposed Bush. Just look at the tale of the tape: an unpopular war, an uncertain economic future, massive national debt, attacks on the Bill of Rights, and who can forget the anti-gay marriage amendment to the Constitution (yeah, ’cause that belonged in the Constitution of the United States of America). These factors alone should’ve meant that any man carrying a clear stance on what he wants to do could’ve walked away with this election. Now let’s look at why John Kerry isn’t crushing the unpopular incumbent; let’s examine his plan for Iraq. He says he has one. But what the hell is it? Who knows, maybe it’s “bring in other countries,” but I don’t think that there is anyone out there that wants to jump into Iraq. The economy, although shaky, seems to be slowly recovering and people don’t see the inevitable Democratic tax increases as a positive direction for the fragile economy. Attacks on the Bill of Rights is something that I personally hate, but John hasn’t done anything either. For any other issue you may care about, please go online, because you won’t see them in the news. I mean, who cares about silly things like issues, when we can talk about Laura Bush selling pot in college, or whether or not John Kerry earned his Purple Heart in Vietnam. It’s all getting ridiculous because half the people voting are doing so based on whether they like the person or not, rather than where the person stands on important matters. This leads me back to my point: John Kerry is losing this election. Why? ‘Cause nobody knows what this guy stands for. It’s gotten to the point where you’re just voting for the devil you know, versus the devil you don’t. And who the hell knows John Kerry? I’m from Massachusetts and I still don’t know the guy.

Ted Kennedy, like him or hate him you know exactly where he’s going with things (it might be to the bar for some Irish Coffee, but at least you know).

Nobody knows John Kerry, and all the fluff videos and excerpts from his life won’t do a fraction of what actually saying his position on something would. Here’s what it comes down to: John Kerry had first and goal from the one-yard line coming into this election. After months of campaigning and political scandals and all that other crap John Kerry has been forced back to a third and long situation. I got news for you John (and I know he’s going to read this; I hear he frequently reads The Mass Media): you don’t have much time left and you’re out of options–so step up and put the ball in the end zone or take knee and go back to your Beacon Hill mansion and lick your wounds. Either way, it’s coming down to the wire and if you lose this election, you shouldn’t have been on the field in the first place.