UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

False Alarms and Break-Ins

Tuesday, September 7

8:42 am – False alarm in the McCormack Building.9:35 am – Computer cables cut in the Service Building.11:33 am – Another false alarm in McCormack.2:11 pm – Breaking and Entering reported in Wheatley Hall, equipment was stolen.4:09 pm – Person attempting to break into a locker in the Clark Athletic Center.

Wednesday, September 8

10:16 am – Alarm call in the Science Center found to be the result of alarm company working on the system.5:02 pm – 911 Hang-up from the Campus Center.11:56 pm- False alarm in the Campus center.

Thursday, September 9

9:42 am – Water flow monitor issued a false mechanical fire alert. Exciting.

Friday, September 10

9:45 am – Larceny reported in the Campus Center. Oh wait. The items reported stolen were found. Next time maybe look for them before you call the police? Just a thought.1:29 pm – Real fire in a trash barrel on the plaza, put out with a real fire extinguisher.2:53 pm – Back to false alarms. It was in the Campus Center, a utility alarm. Like you care. It was fine.