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The Mass Media

Men’s soccer makes striking comebacks

Men’s soccer plays against United States Coast Guard Academy. Photo by Salt Lake Photo Company / Beacons Athletics.

The UMass Boston Men’s Soccer Team played two matches last week, and they took the field by storm, tying both games late. Their match against Rhode Island College Saturday, Sept. 30 took a bitter turn when a quick save by J.J. Devine posed an opportunity for Jonathan Oliveira of Rhode Island College to score the first goal of the game, giving them a 1–0 lead in the 10th minute.

The Beacons were quick to retaliate, as Logan Potter scored and was assisted by Ryan Lima, tying the game in the first half. The team was in hot water when the second half started and did not go as planned. Oliveira made quick work of the stagnant tie and scored two goals in the second half, bursting the floodgates open with a 3–1 lead for Rhode Island College.

The team, rather than feeling defeated, proved that they weren’t there to lose. Lima scored and closed the bridge to 3–2. This boosted the Beacons’ confidence and motivated them. The third goal, scored by Gabriel Meireles in the 79th minute, changed the trajectory of the game, and the Beacons were able to retaliate, knotting things up with a tie. The team stayed patient even when it felt like all was lost, proving that “the game is as hard as you make it.” The Beacons showed extensive dedication throughout the match and were empathetic toward their teammates when execution wasn’t as sharp. 

The same pattern was seen on Tuesday when the Beacons went up against the United States Coast Guard Academy in a very difficult game. The Bears were quick to score, striking first with a 1–0 lead in minute 15. The Beacons, on the other hand, were struggling to score for almost 80 minutes of the match. In the 82nd minute, they turned to their hottest scorer, Potter, and he did not let down. Potter has been dominating the season with five goals to his name in his last four games, according to Beacons Athletics [1]. 

The matches this week turned out challenging for the team as they struggled on the field. They were able to avoid the loss column by making ground-breaking comebacks in both games. Even when they were losing hope, they stood tall. Their efforts paid off when they returned with a tie. Josh Almeida said, “We went down in like twenty minutes of the game, gathered everyone and told them that we have been in situations like these before. We just can’t implode. When we start losing our heads, the game falls apart. The boys stuck together, stayed on their feet and wanted to go home with at least one goal, and stay in the conference.”

Both these games put immense pressure on the team, mentally and physically. But the Beacons did not crumble under pressure—they stood their ground and proved that they could change the direction of the game up until the last play. Their unity was admirable; every single player played an important role on the individual level to help UMass Boston tie against extremely tough opponents.

The Beacons learn a lot from every game they play; their dedication to the sport individually and collectively is what sets them apart from everyone else. The Beacons are not here to back down. The team is approaching the end of the season with only six more games left and knowing them, they won’t disappoint. According to Beacons Athletics, the Beacons are set to go up against the University of Southern Maine on the road Wednesday, Oct. 11, before returning to face Western Connecticut State University for their first home game in two weeks this coming Saturday. [2] It looks like they’re all set to dominate the conference this season because if you can take anything from their play over the past week, it’s that these two matches proved that no one makes a comeback quite like the Beacons. 

[1] Clifford, M. (2023, Oct. 4). Late Goal Draws Men’s Soccer Even With Coast Guard. UMass Boston’s Beacons Athletics. https://beaconsathletics.com/news/2023/10/4/late-goal-draws-mens-soccer-even-with-coast-guard.aspx

[2] UMass Boston’s Beacons Athletics. (n.d.). 2023 Men’s Soccer. https://beaconsathletics.com/sports/mens-soccer/schedule