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The Mass Media

Men’s hockey tames Nichols’ Bisons in exhibition game

Olivia Reid
The office for men’s hockey Head Coach, Peter Belisle. Photo by Olivia Reid / Photography Editor.

UMass Boston Men’s Hockey went up against the Nichols College Bisons in an exhibition game Saturday, Oct. 21. The season went off to a great start for the Beacons, as they left the ice with a 4–3 victory. The win positively impacted their self-esteem and confidence—a skate in the right direction after their 2022 campaign. The Beacons started hot in the game with a 1–0 lead. Freshman Tom Gordon had a lot to say regarding Nichols:

“They are a good team; they are tough to play against. They definitely brought it to us. They are intense and physical, but I think we played our strengths well and showed that we are a smarter team, more level-headed, and won the game. Most importantly, they kind of tried to drag us into their cheap play a little. We stayed level-headed and stuck to our skills.”  

The team had the Bisons in a chokehold until the last few minutes of the first period, when eventually the Bisons scored an equalizer. However, the Beacons were quick to retaliate and regained the lead shortly after. They were leading throughout the second period, keeping the Bisons on the heels of their skates. All their attempts at making a comeback were crushed at the sticks of the immensely skilled goaltenders, and so were their hopes of winning the scrimmage. Senior netminder Sam Best reflected on how the Beacons fared in their exhibition game.

“It was a good first match. We did a lot of things right, but we also did a lot of things wrong. But at that point of the season, we are still forming everything. It was nice to get everyone’s feet wet. We wanna beat the best. Nothing against the Bisons; it was a one goal game.”

The Bisons were not the easiest to beat, and they went head on with the Beacons. This match proposed an insight into their strengths, as well as the skills that need a little more polishing. The team’s passion and commitment to the sport, both as a group and on an individual level, is what makes them stand out. No one knows exactly what’s in store for the Beacons, but knowing they came out victorious in a gritty win against Nichols, one can bet they are going to skate through every hurdle gracefully. Players know they can rely on each other to make plays and build chemistry, and the great sense of unity and trust that they share sets them apart from the rest of the teams. 

This exhibition game is just the start. They still have a long way to go, and the team is here to stay this season. They are all working towards the exact same goal, and under the mentorship of Coach Peter Belisle, their collective efforts and skills combine for a two-way punch that could hold dividends throughout their year. The Beacons look fast, strong and ready to storm the ice this season. 

As Best also pointed out, the Beacons are “looking forward to competing with the best opponents out there, and [they] want to be the best.” This shows their dedication, grit and commitment. They are aiming for a comeback, and if they keep doing what they are doing, they’ll be making strides as the season rolls on. 

Their hard work is admirable, and the team has come a long way since last season. They have polished old skills, while picking up a new skill or two. The goaltenders stand tall like an unbreakable brick wall, providing almost no opportunity for their opponents to score. They have worked hard for this season, and the difference is very visible: They are scoring more, the defense is proactive and there is a good rapport between players. 

The Beacons are scheduled to go against Skidmore College Friday, Nov. 3 at Barry Ice Rink. The team is fired up and players are ready to take to the ice for some of their first regular season action. They’re hoping to win and have all the talent and tangibles to do so, but at the same time, they know how to take a loss. It’s how they come back from the adversity that will ultimately prove whether they have what it takes to make a run for the New England Hockey Conference championship. With their win against an out of conference opponent in Nichols, the Beacons look like they have a real shot at overcoming their troubles of last year and prove they may be the team to beat in the NEHC.



About the Contributor
Olivia Reid, Photo Editor