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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Clarification about last week’s OL story

In response to some concerns raised regarding the language and research process in last week’s article titled, “OL Program struggles with low retention; ex-OLs cite intense work conditions,” the Opinions Editor would like to follow up with a few clarifying points. In the process of writing last week’s article, four ex-OLs were interviewed formally, and one current OL was spoken to informally. The decision to not interview other currently employed OLs was made both because these individuals carry biases due to their position, and because the article’s focus is specifically on the low retention rate of last semester—not more broadly about the OL position. It is understandable that the opinion of those interviewed might not account for the range of opinions ex-OLs hold, and anyone who felt their side of the story wasn’t heard is encouraged to reach out. 

About the Contributor
Elijah Horwath, Managing Editor